Jewish ritual bath - Summer guided tours Pernes-les-Fontaines
Guided toursMusuems and monuments
Tarif unique €3.00
Free with the Pass!
What can you do in Pernes-les-Fontaines on your own, with family or friends?
Children's rate
0 to 11 years free
12 to 18 years old 1.50 euros
Booking essential 00 33 (0)4 90 61 31 04
Visit a Mikvé!
Opening times
From June to September, at 10 a.m. every Tuesday.
Duration: 1 hour
Tour Ferrande - Visites guidées d'été
Summer guided tours to do in Pernes-les-Fontaines!
Easily spotted, the Ferrande Tower is one of the monuments that dominates the historic center with its neighbor the Clock Tower. Built in the 12th century, this fairly austere structure contains some very surprising remains.
Bain juif-Tour Ferrande Visites Guidées d'été
Enjoy a complete guided tour: visit to the city + old Jewish quarter and the Jewish ritual baths + the Town Hall + the Ferrande Tower
Discovery tour of the city + old Jewish quarter and lounge of the Hôtel de Brancas
From towers to private mansions, alleys to small squares, fountains to wash houses, let yourself be guided through the beautiful heritage of the former capital of Comtat Venaissin. An overview of the most beautiful monuments of Pernes!
Guided tour of the Ferrande Tower and the Clock Tower prisons
We no longer present the 12th century Ferrande Tower and its 13th century frescoes. But we invite you to come and discover it during a visit at the start of the evening with also the prisons of the Clock Tower, former castle of the Comtes de Toulouse as well as a beautiful panorama of Mont Ventoux from the 1st terrace!
Tower of Ferrande and Jewish Bath - Pernes les Fontaines - Office de Tourisme
Commonly known as the Pearl of the Comtat, Pernes-les-Fontaines is ideally located in the heart of Vaucluse, between Mont Ventoux and Luberon. This small Provencal town offers a pleasant living environment, with its forty fountains scattered between historic monuments and narrow streets with colorful facades. If you choose to make the trip to Pernes-les-Fontaines, make sure to take advantage of the events that take place throughout the year and several weekly markets!
Accès Bus
- Depuis la gare d'Avignon TGV, prendre la ligne 10"Avignon TVV - Avignon Poste" jusqu'à l'arrêt Avignon Poste. Prendre ensuite la ligne 905 Avignon-Carpentras" au départ de "Avignon PEM Gare routière" jusqu'au terminus à Carpentras. Bus directs depuis Carpentras (L 913, 920 et LER57)
- Bus directs depuis l'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue (L 913, 920 et LER 57), Cavaillon (L 913 et LER 57) et Aix-en-Provence (LER 57).
- Depuis l'aéroport Marseille-Provence : L 40 (arrêt "Aix-en-Provence - Gare routière") puis LER 57
Accès Vélo
La commune se trouve sur le tracé de la Via Venaissia reliant à ce jour Orange à Velleron en passant par Carpentras.
Accès voiture
- Par la route, en vennat du Nord par l'Autoroute A7, prendre la sortie 23 "Avignon Nord".
- Par la route en vanant du Sud, sur l'Autoroute A7, prendre la sortie 25 "Cavaillon".