FAQs Vaucluse Provence Pass

Frequently Asked Questions

Find the answers to the most frequently asked questions about using the Vaucluse Provence Pass.

Use my Vaucluse Provence Pass

Present the Pass at the entrance to the site you wish to visit..
Scanning the QR code activates the Pass

You can present the QR code from the Vaucluse Provence Pass application,  on the Pass that you have printed beforehand or even on the physical pass.

 Print the e-ticket and present it at the entrance to the site you are visiting. It will to be scanned  in order to validate the entry.

The duration of the Pass is calculated automatically from the first time it is used in the partner museums and sites. Depending on the package chosen, the Pass is valid for 2 days, 3 days or 5 days. The 2, 3 and 5-day Vaucluse Provence Passes can be used over a period of 10 days.

With the Vaucluse Provence Pass 2, 3 or 5 days, you have 10 days from the first use of the Pass to use your 2, 3 or 5 days of visits. The 2, 3 or 5 days do not have to be consecutive. You can organize them as you wish.

On achete 1 forfait par Voiture seulemnt!

Vous pouvez stationner au parking du Palais des Papes. Prenez un ticket à la borne d'entrée et muni de votre pass matérialisé ou dématérialisé (e-ticket), présentez vous à l'accueil de votre parking. Présentez votre Vaucluse Provence Pass afin que l'agent d'accueil puisse vous délivrer un ticket de la durée du forfait choisi qui vous permettra de rentrer et sortir du parking à multiples reprises et activer votre Vaucluse Provence Pass

  • Placer votre télépéage dans la pochette athermique afin qu'il ne soit pas détecté lors de votre passage
  • Une fois stationné, se rendre impérativement à l'accueil de votre parking afin de récupérer son ticket parking 24h ou 48h et activer son Vaucluse Provence Pass
  • Votre Vaucluse Provence Pass une fois validé par l'agent d'accueil du parking est actif et utilisable pendant 24h ou 48h
  • Tout dépassement sera facturé automatiquement à la borne de sortie
  • Votre forfait stationnement vous permet de stationner au parking du Palais des Papes 

Buy a Pass

You will find the Vaucluse Provence Pass in partner tourist offices, at partner resellers, on the Internet via our website store or even on the Vaucluse Provence Pass mobile application.

Partner sites of the Vaucluse Provence Pass

Discounts will be applied on presentation of your pass.

Other questions

To estimate your savings, you can consult and use our calculator or contact us at pass@vaucluse-provence-pass.com. We will provide you with a simulation of the sites you wish to visit.

Some visits are based on programs with predefined times. If a reservation is compulsory, this is clearly specified on the service sheet, along with the reservation terms and conditions.

So please do read informations before visiting.

No, you will only be able to access each site included in your Pass once.

Buy your digital Pass online and use it immediately !

Buy the pass