Prestige visit and tasting - Musée du Vin

Musuems and monuments

Tarif unique €12.00 Free with the Pass!

Prestige Tour and Tasting

40-45 minutes audio tour (French, English, German, Chinese, Russian, Portuguese).

Tasting of five Châteauneuf-du-Pape wines

Châteauneuf-du-Pape : Maison Brotte : Wine Museum, Prestige Tasting Tour

Opening times 

9am to 1pm (last visit 12pm) and 2pm to 6pm (last visit 5pm)

From 15 October 
9am to 12pm (last visit 11am) and 2pm to 6pm (last visit 5pm)
(except on 25 December and 1 January)

We strongly advise you to book your visit in advance on 04 90 83 59 44.

We strongly advise you to book your visit in advance on 04 90 83 70 07.


Réservation préalable de votre visite fortement conseillée
au 04 90 83 70 07     
Horaires d'ouverture


9h à 13h (dernière visite 12h) et 14h à 18h (dernière visite 17h)

A partir du 15 octobre 
9h à 12h (dernière visite 11h) et 14h à 18h (dernière visite 17h)
(sauf le 25 Décembre et le 1er Janvier)

Wine Museum, Discovery Tasting Tour

Musuems and monuments

Discovery Tour and Tasting

40-45 minute audio tour (French, English, German, Chinese, Russian, Portuguese).

Tasting of three Châteauneuf-du-Pape wines

The Brotte House Wine Museum

The Brotte Wine Museum was created in 1972 by Jeanne Brotte, and is unique in Châteauneuf-du-Pape. Initially, the museum displayed an impressive collection of old tools. It was then renovated in 2002 and 2014. The Museum now presents a comprehensive, modern and attractive museography around the theme: “In the footstep of the winegrower”